Women’s Health at Work

The statistics you need to know

  • By 2025, 12% of the global population or 1 billion women will be undergoing menopause.
  • 82% of these women grapple with stress and half face anxiety.
  • 58% find managing work during this transition challenging.
  • A mere 3% believe they receive excellent workplace support during menopause, with 60% rating it poor or below average.
  • 61% of working women report that workplace wellness programmes should cater more specifically to each gender’s needs

“Menopausal women are the fastest growing workforce demographic.” (Office of National Statistics UK)

Unpicking Women’s Health at Work

Our signature three-month program is designed to enhance the health, vitality and career progression of women, in alignment with the wider business and their teams.  Crafter in harmony with our “Thrive Approach” philosophy, this program offers an integrated approach to supporting and addressing women’s health needs at work.  Beyond individual wellness, it extends to cultivate understanding and awareness across the entire workplace. The program’s core focus aim is to foster a shared commitment amongst all employees to supporting the careers, health, and overall wellbeing of women.

The benefits of supporting women in your workplace

  • Retaining experienced women
  • Supporting women’s careers and continued growth
  • Mental health
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Gender & Equality

“More women in top-tier management levels will deliver improved profitability for the business. Now more than ever, achieving workplace gender equality is an absolute necessity for every organisation in Australia.” – (WGEA)

Our Signature Workshops

Leading into Menopause at Work

Is female representation an important part of your business strategy? Then the innate needs of women going through Menopause need to be too.

Thriving through Menopause at work

Interactive coaching style workshops for smaller groups aimed at discussing specific issues affecting the women and men in the workplace.

Normalising Women's Health at work

Helping stakeholders feel knowledgeable, confident and aware of women’s specific needs that helps create a supportive workplace for everyone.

Creating Menstrual and Menopause friendly workplaces

Strategies and processes to integrate Menopause awareness and acceptance into workplace.


ALL women will experience Menopause. Each woman will have her own unique experience but the impact of the symptoms are very similar.

Women can transition through Menopause anywhere from 40 – 55 years. This same age group is ready to come into their careers again and nurture that sense of meaning and fulfilment after years of parenting and caring duties.

Incidentally, Menopause intersects at this critical career stage impacting women’s confidence, self esteem, energy and performance. The impacts can be so far reaching that every facet of a woman’s life is affected, from her relationships, work, family, community and her own self worth.

In a workplace context, the “frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms affect how women feel engaged, satisfied by and committed to their work”.


“Menopausal women are the fastest growing workforce demographic.” (Office of National Statistics UK)

“83% of women say their work is negatively impacted by the symptoms of menopause.” (Circle In)

“More women in top-tier management levels will deliver improved profitability for business. Now more than ever, achieving workplace gender equality is an absolute necessity for every organisation in Australia.” (WGEA)

“Women comprise 47.4% of all employed persons in Australia.” (WGEA)

Create your workplace of the future with us today!

Who we have worked with