by Own Your Health Co | Oct 9, 2022 | Corporate health and wellness, Menopause, Menopause at Work, Women's health
Have you been impacted by changes to your mood, irritability, sadness, aggressiveness, problemsfocusing, lack of motivation, stress, anxiety or depression? If you are experiencing PeriMenopause or have reached Menopause these feelings are directly attributed to the...
by Own Your Health Co | Jun 20, 2022 | Corporate health and wellness, Menopause, Women's health
Menopause may seem a long way off and something you don’t give much thought to until you begin experiencing symptoms. For some women the symptoms or changes can appear subtly and slowly. For some women the symptoms can appear all of a sudden and at high...
by Own Your Health Co | May 11, 2022 | Corporate health and wellness, Menopause, Women's health
Food is medicine. We all know that saying and it especially rings true when women are approaching menopause. Your nutrition has a significant impact on your mind, body, heart, gut and overall health. In this article, we share what we refer to as the ‘rockstars of...
by Own Your Health Co | Dec 5, 2021 | Corporate health and wellness, Menopause, Women's health
“My greatest fear is that Menopause doesn’t really exist and this is the real me” We’re pretty sure you’ve shared in jokes and off the cuff comments about Menopause. We know there is a plethora of jokes on the Internet that you can laugh until you cry...
by Own Your Health Co | Nov 11, 2021 | Corporate health and wellness, Menopause, Women's health
If you’re approaching menopause and have started noticing changes to your body, mind and monthly menstrual cycle it may be comforting to know there are many other women experiencing exactly the same things you’re going through. For many women, approaching menopause is...