Hello. How you travelling? At Own Your Health Collective, we are choosing to keep engaged and busy with work and children, move, rest and eat well as we stay home and flatten the curve. Because keeping engaged and busy during this time is really important, we thought we would share a few ideas you might like to explore.
Start a garden: Gardening at home gets you out in the fresh air and is great for the soul! Kids love it too! It helps you all remove stress and gives you a chance to growing food that will provide your body with some nutrients! Easy to grow varieties are herbs, rocket, lettuce and as we come into winter, my favourite, broccolini. You can even just start with a pot filled with herb seedlings if you don’t have the space for a garden! You don’t have to be planting a garden to get out, there are always weeds to tend to and remove!
Read a book: Hard cover or soft cover, read a book from that pile you have been collecting or adding to your virtual list over the last how many months (or years). Nominate 30 minutes or 60 minutes in your day that you can be doing this. You’ll be amazed how much of that pile or list you can start working through.
Mini-workouts: Chances are you are sitting more at the moment, whilst hanging out around home more than you probably have ever before! Doing some mini workouts throughout the day is key here! You want to making sure you are not only eating right, but moving well is important too! While you’re waiting for your coffee shot, do a few squats. Waiting for the kettle to boil? Hit the ground and do some push ups. Have some stairs at home, walk five flights up, five flights down in one hit!
Cook: More time on you hands can have you learning to cook, trying new cuisines or simply trying a new recipe each night. Whilst you can order takeout and support other businesses doing it tough, you can definitely use this time to improve your cooking skills. We are working on a meal plan service which will launch soon – that will definitely give you some new recipes to try and add to your repertoire. Try a Thai recipe you’ve had bookmarked for sometime. There is sill lots of fresh ingredients available to tempt your tastebuds and keep your immunity in check.
Support local businesses: Own Your Health Collective are very much into supporting small local business who are going through a whole lot of hurt. This could take the form of ordering in a special take away dinner for a birthday being celebrated in stay at home mode, buying gift cards, registering for a webinar on a subject that you would like to learn more about or pay ahead for a service that you action on the other side of this situation.
You might like to learn about our live webinar coming up on the 6th and 7th April. Aimed at helping people thrive at work and in life during a stage of change, we will be looking at ways to support the mental and emotional health of you, your people, teams and business over this time. For more details on how to book, click here
We would love to hear you thoughts on what you are doing to keep busy in stay at home mode.