It goes without saying, 2020 has been one of those horrible years. 

Speak to anyone and they will all have their own version of how 2020 has impacted their life, their work and their overall wellbeing. 

We are also one of those people. 

As positive and optimistic people, we tend to look on the brighter side to situations and embrace disruption and change with tenacity and opportunity, but even this year challenged the most positive of them all. 

In light of this, we want to give you the chance to reflect on the moments of opportunity and growth that you could take from the year that was and excitedly plant them into the year that will be, in 2021. 

Well known professor Carol Dweck has spent her working years educating others on the importance of growth and opportunity through her work around the Growth Mindset. 

Here is your chance to look at your disruptive year with that growth mindset lens on and embrace perceived stresses or failures as opportunities to start anew in 2021. 

Below are our key focus areas for you to consider for the new year. 

  • Reconnect with the health benefits of work – A key component of living is working. All too often though, you can find yourself caught up in the monotony of work. In reality, work has significant benefits for your whole health. Reconnect with the things you value about working – it might be that sense of fulfillment, the personal satisfaction, the balance of having a working and personal life or that immense feeling of accomplishment – these all have significant benefits to your whole health and when you can connect with these you will start to see ripple effects of positive health in other areas of your life. 
  • Find renewed joy in your career – With so much change and disruption, it is common to reassess priorities and the way you spend your time, and 2020 has definitely been no exception. With forced remote working and more time at home, perhaps you are struggling with the concept that the work you are doing is just not for you any longer. Spend some time reflecting on the work that you are doing. What makes you feel alive? What drains your energy? What moments have brought you a sense of joy or meaning? Good, fulfilling work provides many benefits to your health and when work is not good, more often than not your health won’t be good either. 
  • Embrace meaningful connections – This year has definitely highlighted the importance of relationships. You may have even questioned some of your relationships through all of the change. The truth is navigating life, careers and health is not a solo endeavour. In fact, all humans have a biological need to belong and be part of a community, workplace or friendship circle. Now is a good time to tThink about your connections and how you can build more meaningful relationships with the people you want to be around and connect with. Then make your case to connect with them and do it mindfully, compassionately and non-judgmentally. 

Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we were meant to be.  Use this past disruptive year to help you refocus, recharge and relocate you to where you would like to be in 2021 and beyond. 

2021 is the year for the “Positive Pivot” contact us today to discuss how we can support you, your business or workplace to positively manage change into the new year.